金融工程研究中心学术报告: Labor Unemployment Insurance and R&D Productivity

报  告  人: 沈懿,美国温斯洛普大学金融助理教授

报告时间: 1224日(周二)上午10:00-11:00


报告摘要:This paper reveals that unemployment insurance (UI) benefits are positively associated with R&D productivity, measured using firm-level Research Quotient (RQ, Knott, 2008). Variations in state UI programs provide a plausibly exogenous setting to analyze employees' (unobservable) attitudes, e.g., efforts and engagement, crucial inputs to innovation efficiency. The findings are consistent with UI benefits lowering the costs of unemployment to employees, improving job matching quality and engagement, and contributing to a firm's innovation outputs. The result withstands multiple endogeneity related robustness tests and confirms that employee inputs are important channels through which UI benefits influence R&D and innovation productivity.

报告人简介:沈懿,美国温斯洛普大学金融助理教授。主要研究兴趣包括公司金融、银行借贷、及绿色创新。曾在Journal of Corporate FinanceAccounting & Finance,及Pacific-Basin Finance Journal等学术期刊发表多篇论文。于2013年获得美国凯斯西储大学经济学士学位,2014年获得美国约翰霍普金斯大学金融硕士学位,2019年获得美国马萨诸塞大学金融博士学位,20142015年曾在美国摩根士丹利 (Morgan Stanley) 担任金融衍生品分析师,2019年至今任教于美国温斯洛普大学商学院。2019年加入Beta Gamma Sigma国际商业荣誉协会,2023年获得Springs Global Industries Research Excellence Award,并在2024年加入Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会。



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