药学院·云轩创新药物论坛:Ultra-high-resolution MS and ever more powerful ion mobility-mass spectrometers, and we are still talking about chromatography: Why?

报告题目:Ultra-high-resolution MS and ever more powerful ion mobility-mass spectrometers, and we are still talking about chromatography: Why?

主讲人:Professor Oliver Schmitz

主持人:李笃信 副教授

报告时间:2024年11月20日 10:00 – 11:00




Professor Schmitz got his PhD in 1997 from the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Wuppertal (BUW) and 2009 he got a full professor in Analytical Chemistry at this university. Since 2013 he has been a full professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen and is the chair of the Institute of Applied Analytical Chemistry. He cofounded the company iGenTraX UG which develops new ion sources for mass spectrometers and together with Agilent Technologies, the Teaching and Research Center for Separation, one of five Agilent`s Center of Excellence.

Prof. Schmitz is the chairman of the analytica conferences worldwide (China and Vietnam) and a consultant of analytica Munich. He is recognized as an international expert in analytical chemistry (especially in the development of ionen sources, comprehensive LC and GC, ion mobility-mass spectrometry and metabolomics). He was awarded the scholar-in-training award of the American Association for Cancer Research in 2003, the Gerhard-Hesse Prize for chromatography in 2013 and in the same year the Fresenius Lecturer. He is author of 130 peer-reviewed papers (also in Nature and other high-impact journals) and has held more as 140 talks at international and national conferences. He has also published two books, eight book chapters and is holder of three patents and one patent applications.

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